Saturday, November 23, 2013



alternative router with openwrt

ok. in this step your router
is ok, have internet, have web server and ready
to add all aplication and ready to share to every one
via wifi
for share via wifi you must enable wifi radio
now you can enable wifi radio in menu Interface Wifi.

ok now you can acces internet with
other gadget like android or smart phone, laptop
if have interface wifi.

if you share your internet but you not have
security or not have managemen user in your
router every one not legal can access your internet
in here I try sharing how to make manajemen hotspot
the name is easyhotspot for use in opwrt
if you wont your internet sharing
to be market for comercial you can buy your packet internet
with voucer or registration is production from easyhotspot manajemen user
you can print voucer for sale.

ok. lets tray begin.....
you need this accessories , you can buy this in :

ok. come on lets begin
you need this file :
packet all for easyhotspot.rar   you can download in here

than you needs folder easyhotspot.rar, download from :

extrac all to packet file in your computer and save it for next.

ok now you have all packet for file.

now !!!!!
open aplication putty
user name : root
ok. do not close

now.... open up application winscp
login.. until your succes
open up /root until you find /tmp

now copy *.ipk in folder packet all for easy hotspot into winscp folder /tmp
(drag and drop from your computer)

ok back agains into putty

root@openwrt~# cd /tmp
root@openwrt~#tmp/ opkg install *.ipk

wait until all file succesly installed in openwrt this is progres needs 4 - 10 minutes
wait....and drink a luwak cofee from nice  cofee.....
ok if progres is finis now......
you must be carefully and (maybe if you wrong step your router can not acces and your router must upgrade
agains step by step from start begin)ok....

ok. next step you need this file :
you needs folder the name srv and jibas , 2 folder(include inside aplication) download from :

ok. until this step you must have :
1. packet all for easyhotspot (*.ipk)
2. easyhotspot (folder configuration for easyhotspot)
3. jibas (folder mysqld)
4. srv (folder, inside easyhotspot folder (aplication for easyhotspot)

ok. stop until this (colected all file before !!!!)
i come back again be continuid.......

ok. i am back again
1. you must install *.ipk (in folder packet all for easyhotspot to router in folder /tmp with putty and winscp)
open up application winscp
drag and drop *.ipk to router in /tmp
open up putty application
root@openwrt~#cd /tmp
root@openwrt~#tmp/ opkg install *.ipk
wait until all file succes
open up wincp again
now open jibas.rar extrac and put jibas folder to router in /root (klik router) and drag and drop folder jibas
open srv.rar extrac and put folder srv to router in /root sameas folder jibas
open up easyhotspot.rar extrac open agin until you see folder freradius2, folder chili and file dictionary, file dictionary.chillispot.

ok be care full......
open up file /etc in there you find 2 folder freradius2 and chilli, ok substituted 2 folder that with folder chilli and freradius2 from packet easyhotspot.rar. drag and drop via winscp from your desktop.
continu with 2 file dictionary and dictionary.chillispot drag and drop to router in folder /usr/share/freradius2
ok. all file complete to copy

open up putty application
root@openwrt~#/etc/init.d/mysqld enable     
root@openwrt~#/etc/init.d/mysqld start
root@openwrt~#/etc/init.d/uhttpd enable
root@openwrt~#/etc/init.d/uhttpd start
root@openwrt~#radiusd -x                                   #   if you found no error in router is ok
hit CTRL + C   for stop 
root@openwrt~#/etc/init.d/radiusd enable
root@openwrt~#/etc/init.d/radiusd start

attention do not turn off the router....... 

download file chilli from :

copy paste chilli to router via winscp in : /etc/init.d

download again 3 file : php.ini, my.conf and rc.local from :

copy paste via winscp   file php.ini , my.conf and rc.local to router in folder /etc

now.... next step not guaranted succes for all, but succes for me.....
back agains to putty

root@openwrt~#/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart

root@openwrt~#chmod a+x /etc/init.d/chilli
root@openwrt~#/etc/init.d/chilli start 

until this step your router can not acces again, dont worry, this is 2 probability.... if your step is right until your router
boot up (manual boot up) easy hotspot success install in your router dhcp address not but

if your step is wrong maybe.....your router can runing via exroot agains, you must repeat again step by step from begin
but (your router normali runing without flash disk)

if your step in succes lets continus with :

create symlink

open up winscp aplication

klik folder /root until you find    /www       folder

ok right click in blank objek  choice create symlink   (create symlink, create folder, create file)
in the name typing:    easyhotspot
in adress typing:    /srv/easyhotspot/htdocs

ok.... now open up your browser

if you seee login spot than your easyhotspot is succes

be carefull and always learn up....and .....get spirit.........