Monday, December 10, 2012


 OpenWrt untuk TP Link

alternative router with openwrt

Maksimalkan Router MR 3420

Jika anda memiliki router TP Link MR 3420 - # If you have router TP Link MR 3420
anda dapat merubahnya menjadi jebreeeed -   # you can make it to be powerfull
anda dapat melengkapinya menjadi :  -           # you can be completed like :

1. NAS (Network Atachment Storage)
2. SAMBA (File Sharing)
3. Mini DLNA (Streaming File Multimedia)

5. CCTV dengan webcam
6. Open VPN
7. MULTI WAN Load Balancing
8. Media Player
9. Comunication like VOIP
10. Web Mini
 this is Powerfull  server with mini power (12 Volt)

anda dapat merubah firmware asli TP Link - # you can change original firmware TP Link
menjadi  firmware openwrt                        - # with openwrt firmware

baiklah kita mulai saja langkah langkahnya :# ok lets we begin start step by step :
1. Beli Router MR 3420 di :                      # 1. buy MR 3420 Router in :

versi 1 :


2. Upgrade Firmware original TP LINK - # 2. Upgrade your original TP LINK Firmware  -
dengan Firmware Openwrt melalui menu- #  with Openwrt firmware acros by original menu -
upgrade firmware di TP Link Menu.      - # in TP Link firmware.
Firmware Openwrt dapat di unduh di :  - # you can download openwrt firmware in :

MR 3420 version 1 or MR 3420 Version 2 don't wrong choice, if you wrong choice, router can be bricked

kemudian anda upgrade                           -  # lets you can upgrade your router
firmware asli TP LINK menjadi Openwrt - # change original tplink firmware with openwrt
selama upgrade router  anda dilarang        - # in process don't shutdown  the router
mematikan power atau memutus jaringan  - # or disconnect the network
jika sukses anda dapat melihat                 - # if succes... you can see
tampilan firmware berubah                       - # the router page is chance
anda dapat melihatnya melalui browser     - # you can acces this with browser into                                   - #

selanjutnya apa yang harus dilakukan?      - # now.....what can you do ?
anda harus dapat mengakses isi dari         - # you must can acces built in router (files)
router. karena anda menggunakan windows#because you using the windows os and the router made
dan router anda adalah linux os                - # with linux os, you must the help aplication
maka anda harus menggunakan terminal    - #  for acces the router you must use the terminal emulation,
untuk mengaksesnya, di sini anda              - # in here you must use 2 aplication to acces the router
harus menggunakan 2 bantuan                   - # you can use putty and winscp aplication
software yaitu putty dan winscp                 - # 2 aplication must be intall in your win os
dapat di download di sini.                          - # download in here :

kemudian anda instal di windows anda        - # than you install aplication in your win os
2 aplikasi putty dan winscp                         - # 2 aplication putty and winscp.

Bagaimana cara menggunakan putty            - # how to using the putty and
dan winsp ?                                               - # winscp aplication ?
putty digunakan untuk                                - # putty  use for the remote the router
masuk ke dalam router dan mengetikan      - # you can use this for typing the command
perintah maupun edit dengan perintah         - # and edit the config file
teks pada linux (CLI) (lebih utama             - # with the (CLI) usualy for the execution the command
untuk mengeksekusi perintah)                    - # and the winscp using for the copy paste packet *.ipk
sedangkan winscp digunakan untuk           - # into the router, and add the soffware for the web server
copy paste paket paket *.ipk maupun        - # in the next step if your router will be use for
mengedit file config dan bisa juga menambah -# mini web server
aplikasi untuk webserver                              - # an functionaly for some used.
pada langkah selanjutnya.                             - # if your router until to  full optimized.

berikut cara menggunakan putty                    - # in above how use the putty :
double click icon putty aplication                  - # double click icon putty
masukan pada host name :        - # type in host name :
port : 22                                                      - # Port : 22
klik open                                                     - # click open
anda bisa lihat                                              - # you can see -
halaman berwarna hitam  ...                         - # page with black color
masukan username : root                             - # input username : root
password : ********                                 - # password: ********
samakan password dengan halaman            - # input password same as in page of openwrt in browser
admin openwrt yang anda akses di              - # in your browser page a part of menu administration
browser, anda dapat membuatnya               - # if you can't  acces the router via putty you must
melalui menu administrasi openwrt               - # create password in web brouser and login the router
(buat sendiri)                                              - # than you can creat password 
                                                                  -# by your self in administration menu
jika anda sukses login                                 -# if succes login
lalu anda bisa melihat :                                - # you can see
logo tulisan openwrt bla... bla...                   - # logo with word Openwrt and bla... bla...
dan prompt seperti di program dos              - # and you see the prompt like in dos aplication
openwrt@root:#                                         - #  openwrt@root:#  

sampai disini anda berhasil masuk                - # in this step you ! succes login
router melalui putty                                     - # in router via putty
selanjutnya anda akan gunakan ini              - #  in next step you can this
untuk menjalankan program                       - # for run the program          
silahkan buka blog berikut                         - # Please the open next blog

Menggunakan wincp.                                  - # using winscp
digunakan untuk copy paste file*.ipk          - # using for the copy paste file *.ipk

klik 2 kali icon winscp                                  - # double click winscp icon
klik new                                                      - # click new
host name :                             -#  host name :   
port : 22                                                     - # port : 22
username : root                                           - # user name : root
password :******                                     - # password : *****
 "sama dengan password router di web"      - # "same as router password in web"
file protocol : SCP                                      - # file protocol : SCP
klik login                                                    - # click login
dalam kasus tertentu                                   - # in some case (not All)
anda akan melihat pesan eror                      - # you can see the error mesage      
pada saat masuk winscp                             - # in proses login winscp (leave it)
abaikan saja. jika berhasil masuk                - # if you succes login in winscp
anda akan lihat 2 jendela di putty                - # you can see 2 windows page
sebelah kiri browser windows dan               - # in left page for windows browser
sebelah kanan browser router                      - # in right page is browser for your router file
klik drag and drop  file anda                        - # use click drag and drop your file from windows desktop
dari windows ke jendela kanan                    - # into right page of router to copy your file into router.
router sesuai target folder yang diinginkan    - # syncronize your root and folder in router.
selesai                                                        - # done

selanjutnya lihat blog :                                - # next page :