Sunday, November 24, 2013


 alternative router with openwrt

Menambahkan aplikasi di Open Wrt                     # Add aplication in Open WRT

asumsi bahwa anda telah berhasil membuat exroot             # I mean your router have upgrade with openwrt
jika belum anda bisa mencarinya pada halaman sebelum     # if not yet you can read previous page to
                                                                                            learn how to upgrade openwrt

baiklah kita mulai saja langkah berikut                             # ok lets begin to add aplication for opwrt
buka openwrt in web                        # open web browser type
buka putty                                                                      # open putty aplication
buka winscp                                                                    # open winscp aplication

pada aplikasi winscp                                                       # in use winscp
explore hingga anda masuk ke folder tmp                         # explore /root until found tmp folder /tmp
selanjutnya anda membutuhkan file file *.ipk                     # next you need file with extention *.ipk
yang berada di folder  packet all for easyhotspot.rar         # package in folder esyhotspot.rar
yang terdapat di postingan saya                                        #hosting by me :

packet all for easyhotspot

atau anda dapat mengunduhnya di                                   # or you can download from :

simpan file tersebut di computer                                        # than that file save in your computer
kemudian extrac paket tersebut sampai terbuka seluruh     # extrac all packet until opened all
file yang berextensi.ipk                                                      # all file extention is *.ipk
selanjutnya seleksi seluruh file tersebut                              # than you can selection all file
kemudian tarik dan letakan pada                                       # drag and drop in winscp aplication

winscp folder tmp                                                             # in folder /tmp

jika selanjutnya pilih copy pada mesage box winscp          # if reach the mesage bok for copy, clik copy file
jika seluruh file sudah masuk                                             # until all file *.ipk input into /tmp
maka selanjutnya anda                                                      # than you must open putty aplication
harus membuka program putty
lakukan perintah berikut                                                    # and typing this command

root@openwrt~# cd /tmp
root@openwrt~#tmp/ opkg install *.ipk

tunggu hingga seluruh file terupdate di sistem openwrt         # wait and see untill copy progres succesfull


selanjutnya reboot ulang router                                          # for next you must reboot your router

root@openwrt~# reboot

jika router anda sudah menyala kembali                            # if your router starting up again
maka sampai langkah ini router anda sudah siap               # than your router resdy for upgrade and adding
menerima aplikasi lain : terutama yang penting                   # some aplication in openwrt : importan
login spot : easyhotspot                                                     # easyhotspot login,
web server                                                                       # web server
Php5                                                                                # php5
mediaplayer streaming file                                                 # media player streaming file
media player via router                                                      # made mp3player with router (MPD / Madplay)
cctv webcam                                                                    # cctv with webcam
Voip                                                                                  # mini server voip
jibas aplikasi pendidikan                                                    # jibas is content and page for education
minidlna                                                                             # minidlna
samba sharing                                                                    #samba sharing
dan sebagainya.                                                                  # and much more
berikut ini adalah peralatan yang dapat anda beli                 # you can buy this accesories
dan sudah saya tes dan berjalan dengan baik di open wrt   # and tested in openwrt succesfull in :